Tuesday, 7 January 2014

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

“To see the world
 things dangerous to come to
to see behind walls
draw closer
to find each other and to feel
 That is the purpose of life.”

Quintessence: The pure, concentrated essence of a thing. 

This movie is the quintessence of life, like negative 25 was the quintessence of Life Magazine. This film is a delight to watch; a joyful experience. It's not too scary, or too boring, or too romantic, or too adventurous. It's different and special and captures exactly what movie making should be like. It makes you smile and laugh and sometimes tugs at your heartstrings. It's that breath of fresh air when you've been underwater too long and you come up to breathe. It's a punch in the face; a clementine cake to the tastebuds. Beautiful, sometimes painful, and sweet.

The setting was beautiful. Iceland, Greenland and the Himalayas (all filmed in Iceland, I think) were absolutely breathtaking. There were rolling hills and snowy mountains and of course Eldgos. 

Thank you Ben Stiller for directing this 'negative 25'.
Thank you for not making this story too much about the love, even though it started with a wink [that didn't actually work].
Thank you Sean Penn for playing your small, but absolutely pivotal role with such certainty and ruggedness.  

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